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What is the best SEO difficulty for new bloggers?

Organic search remains a crucial way to generate more traffic for the blog. It is an essential part of digital marketing and plays a crucial role in climbing the ladder of SERP ranking. When you have to access a successful blog, it becomes a problem and comes with lots of difficulties. You may be tempted to give up considering the difficulties in the process. However, real success is all about facing the issues and coming up with the success of tackling the difficulties. So, what are such difficulties a blogger will face with the ranking factor? Read ahead to find them!

What is the best SEO difficulty for new bloggers?

Less audience

When you feel that you are simply blogging only for your family and friends, it is not enough to target this short area. If you do not find a decently sized audience, blogging can seem to be a real waste of time. For the blog that is associated with the business or when you are trying to earn the living through blogging, having a small group of the audience will be disheartening. This is one of the crucial difficulties that bloggers are usually facing. So, when they want to enhance the number of readers for blogging and rank at the top of the SEO ranking, you have to handle certain tricks and techniques.

Nailing the keyword search

The most fundamental elements of all the SEO strategies start with learning how to deal with keyword research. You can find great keyword opportunities to rank in the search engine. If you are using too many of them, your content may sound like it was written using the tool and Google may think that you are stuffing the keywords. It may even penalize the ranking as well. The new blogs may have lower domain authority, and it does not carry the same weight as the older ones. So, the raking for the competitive keywords will work to try and rank for low difficulty, high click-through rate and high volume. Dealing with the keywords is one of the other factors the new bloggers will suffer.

Limit your space

When it comes to designing the blog for the best SEO, you have to limit the number of ads you are using. If you do not slow down the load time, it may affect the traffic. From the user’s point, people despise ads and give you the thumbs down to sites lots of them. If you think you have to use the ads, you have to look for the analytics to determine the top two or three highest performing ads. However, it is not easy for new bloggers, and they will feel the difficulties at this stage.

Placing the images

Besides content, the other aspect that will show more importance in the digital domain is the images. It is also the area where new bloggers will suffer more. When they have a bloated image, it can slow the loading speed of the page. To overcome these difficulties, the simplest way is to save the image as .jpgs and the text or header as .gifts. Also, keep in mind that 80% to 90% of the user experience will be based on downloading the image, flash, etc. It is a good idea to spread the content over multiple servers.

Inability to handle engagement

If you have written the blog, published in the domain and relaxing, you are not living in the world of intense social media engagement. Your work is not over the ones you have posted. It has to be shared, liked and retweeted. The social media feed ere clogged with the commentary, and these hits keep coming. You have to invite people to reach the blog, engage the readers with the right blogs and engage with the audience. As beginners, it is not easy or possible to have such interactions with ease. So, the beginners lag so much in these areas to have a successful blogging experience.

Creating hub pages

One of the best ways to get your content out of the archives and deliver the SEO value for the entire site is when you create the hub page for the best content. For instance, you may divide the content into the beginner, novice and expert advice on the particular topic and then link the content on all the pages on the website. This becomes important for two reasons. One is the user experience and making the old page new. As there is a lack of experience, most beginners will suffer from this aspect.

Wrapping it up

Though blogging is the best technique for enhancing SEO for the website, it comes with such difficulties for beginners. If you are looking for such blogging, ensure you can face such hassles and have fruitful results. You can also look for some additional measures to have a profitable blogging experience.

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