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Why Biometric Authentication is Used For Identity Verification ?

Nowadays, the technology is used to provide advanced services to the end-consumers but neglects a very crucial aspect like security. The traditional security measures require remembering different passwords. Unfortunately, such security measures are often used to access important information such as bank accounts, emails, etc. As technology is evolving with each passing day, fraudsters tend to use it to their advantage to develop sophisticated methods.

Biometric Authentication

For this reason, biometric authentication provides enterprises with a better security alternative for personal verification. The biometric solutions allow unique human characteristics to be kept as passwords for accessing important information. The unique characteristics used in biometric authentication systems help people to easily distinguish themselves from other people. 

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Simply put, the username and password are becoming obsolete to ensure strong security measures for accessing different systems. Virtually all industries are turning to online biometric verification that creates more robust measures than traditional methods for mitigating the fraud risks. Therefore, a simple username and password is no longer a reliable way to assure organizations of high-level protection. This identity verification procedure can provide illegitimate access to people who can recreate the secret information. 

What is a Biometric Verification System? 

Biometric identification is an automated solution used to verify the identities by either using physical or behavioral characteristics like fingerprint, voice, iris, retina, etc. Thus the biometric solution helps to eliminate the significant risks posed by imposters or fraudsters. 

Biometric verification systems are taking over the world steadily and becoming more prevalent in industries than recently expected in the past. Its diverse implication in various organizations is proving to be the new way of fighting against fraud attempts including conventional methods of verification. Further, it secures the customer information in a large database that could only be accessed with appropriate authorization. 

However, as the world is progressing towards further innovation in technology - fraudulent activities are expected to become more sophisticated. For this reason alone, companies are now advancing with new biometric authentication systems to curb such rising challenges. 

Few Common Types of Biometric Identification

It has become clear at this point that biometric verification provides some other types of old verification methods. There are still more than a few types of biometric verification online that are used to measure and capture different threats. Although some biometric types are proven to be more effective than others. Here’s a quick overview of a few common biometric verifications with a detailed analysis. 

Fingerprint Scanning

Fingerprint scanners are the most in use biometric types that we used to see in movies during our childhood. But soon enough it became reality when people used to think that it's only limited to the fictional screenplay. Today, not only businesses are dependent on this biometric verification solution but it's incorporated within various smart devices. Especially our smartphones use fingerprint scanning to unlock the phone. Moreover, the law enforcement agencies use it to catch criminals for identifying traces of their activity. It’s also secured with the live participation of the person. 

Face Biometrics 

During face biometric, it's necessary to have a person’s live presence in front of the camera. Facial biometric acts just like any other biometric authentication system. It uses the person’s unique facial features and matches them to an available database for verification. With this being said, facial biometric solutions are considered a reliable way to capture criminals in their tracks. As industries are discovering their full potential, the facial biometric verification industry has started to grow exponentially. 

Voice Recognition

Voice recognition solution is another widely used biometric authentication type that is used extensively to identify and authenticate customers. Businesses are using this type of verification to verify individuals - where the security of top corporate information is essential. 

Iris and Retina Biometric Authentication Types

Biometric services providers are experiencing more demands from organizations regarding iris and retina biometric authentication services. Unlike iris biometric type, retina-based biometric verification analyses layers of blood vessels in the back of an eye. But iris scanner is comparatively easier to handle and works effectively even if the person is wearing glasses. Alternatively, retina scanning biometric authentication type is more accurate that requires people to see straight to conduct verification. For this reason alone, iris scanning is proving to be quite more effective than retinal scanning. 

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Companies are staying ahead of the curve by deploying sophisticated biometric authentication systems to fight different fraud attempts. The system works effectively to counter outside threats and eliminate risks. As old verification methods such as the use of passwords, electronically generated codes, and out-of-band authentication are all in the past. With data breaches becoming the biggest problem, password-protected security systems are now obsolete. Moreover, criminals tend to purchase such information to commit identity theft and account takeover. Further, biometric authentication is doing more than just fighting against fraud - it ensures a high conversion rate and low drop-off for businesses. 

1 comment

  1. Great article! The last few years have seen a particular development in biometric security within the banking and finance industry. However, as with all security measures, nothing is ever completely failsafe. There's a great resource on the potential risks of biometric security here if you're interested -
