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Easy Ways To Boost Instagram Engagements Using IGTV

Instagram introduced a new app in late 2018, and it's called Instagram Television(IGTV). At its beginning, everyone thought that it was a "YouTube's copy" or a network intended for long-term sixty-minute video content. After a few days, brands like BBC and Red Bull set great standards for Instagram. A new strategy starts to grow its shape.

Easy Ways To Boost Instagram Engagements Using IGTV

And the new network is growing quickly. Here, you can learn about how to utilize the IGTV feature on Instagram to gain more engagement. 

The Basic 3 Things That Every Beginner Should Know

The three topmost things that every new user must know about Instagram Television(IGTV) are:

IGTV Is Inter-connected With Instagram

Instagram Television is an enthusiastic app, but the video content you upload on IGTV also showcases in your followers' feed on Instagram. In the same way, you can get IGTV video content from brands or businesses that you follow that appear on your feed on Instagram.

You can share the IGTV video contents to your stories and post links on Instagram. When your video contents are uploaded on IGTV, they won't disappear after a day as Instagram stories do. It provides multiple ways to engage with your target audience through video content they wish to see.

IGTV Is a Network Of Vertical-Video Format

It is possible to create high-quality IGTV video content using just a camera phone and you can use a video editor for Instagram. And also, don't forget about your video's vertical format.

Though it's possible to film an IGTV video content horizontally, it is not advisable. So, you are advised to film high-quality vertical format IGTV video content on the platform. There are various applications that help you to convert horizontal video content to vertical video content. There are:

Crop Video

It helps in converting horizontal video contents into vertical formats quickly. Crop Videos quick technology handles the conversion action and considers cropping angles.


It makes you attach and edit worthy effects of Instagram to your video content like emojis, coloring, text, and more.  

Spark Camera

The app provides refined video content with a high UI(User Interface) that brings you to make quick video content stunningly, even if you don't know how to edit video content previously.

There are various apps still available online, including Video Show(Android) and iMovie(Apple), that help you to bring interesting video content to the vertical format of IGTV.

IGTV Content Duration Are About Ten Minutes For Many Brands

Most marketers reported IGTV as being similar to TV(Television), where brands and businesses can upload 30 - 60 minute video content when it was launched. The idea was soon squashed as businesses and brands with verified symbols could only post video content for more than ten minutes.

Getting verified by the platform is complex, and enterprise-level celebrities or businesses do it. So, you can upload only about ten-minute video content if you are an unverified brand or business.

You need to create video contents that your audience wants to engage with. In simple words, how long will you keep your audiences entirely engaged before they move to another video content or switch channels?

Length always matters on Instagram because if audiences watch the entire video content, it provides a great point in Instagram algorithm to your brand. It helps in boosting your content visibility on the platform.

Check your audience to acquire which parts work better on strategy. If your large video content makes your audience stay watched, but your three-minute video content makes them jump on your profile, then provide unique short-term video content. Upload content to keep your viewers entirely engaged.

How To Begin With IGTV

IGTV's perfect part is that it is a fresh network, and audiences are more hungry to make high-quality visualized content.

Since it is a mobile-based network, don't forget to acknowledge colors, effects, and angels that bring out on mobiles. There are various ways to engage with viewers on Instagram. Here are the video-type ideas that work well on IGTV.

Entertaining Video Contents

Instagram Television(IGTV) is the right platform if you get your viewers engaged in entertaining video content. Most IGTV content has no huge purpose than trending, fascinating, or wacky.

For instance, a famous Instagrammer shares interesting clips from their events with some fun edits, making the viewers go crazy by watching it. The video content was a massive hit and gathered above 25,000 views within a short time.

Informational Video Contents

Most brands on Instagram use IGTV to make how-to and tutorial video content. IGTV's vertical format provides innovative opportunities while using close shots.

For instance, Most food channels provide multiple how-to video contents with 'no sound' format. There is no speech though the music is designated into the videos.

Rather than using voice-overs, the food channels consider step-by-step guidance using close views mixed with the fast film that helps them grab more viewers' attention. It supports the video content with more IGTV instant views to achieve content goals within a short period. 

Tutorials are a great way to use IGTV. To make your video content shine on IGTV, you could experiment with various IGTV features such as colors, special effects, camera angles, and much more.  

Try With Successful One

Try something different on IGTV if you have video content on the platform that acquires successful engagement with your viewers already, or on other channels. The IGTV's vertical theme provides opportunities and multiple challenges based on your video content.

For instance, a famous news channel shares creative clips with high visuals. There is more to get from the brands who find extreme ways to get their target viewers with perfect precision. A famous news channel glowing high on IGTV currently; it's all because their audience approaches their content.

Make Visual-high Vertical Video Contents To IGTV

There are multiple video content types on IGTV that encourage your follower's interaction. It is a network that motivates your team to bring out the visual content.

Grab the great opportunity to get innovative ways to share BTS(Behind-The-Scenes) of your work or company, promote your services or products, and fun content about anything related to your business or brand in a visually high format.

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