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The Reasons Why Cross Browser Testing Would Be Incomplete Without Cross- Browser Testing Tools

In the last few years, there has been a rampant growth of the web. The number of internet users is rising every passing day. Since the development team puts in a lot of effort in developing a website they want to run it on all browsers. Each one of us would be dependent upon the content that is available on the website. More the number of devices more the number of ways of viewing a website. So the real concern is whether all the users are resorting to different browsers for viewing the website or not.

Cross Browser Testing

What is cross browsing testing?

Since web groups, new technologies for building websites have also developed at the same time. Though all of them may not turn out to be browser-centric technologies. So to determine browser compatibility it is necessary to choose a cross browser testing tool. A thing about web applications is that it needs to be functional across multiple browsers and for a user it is going to provide a good experience. Browser testing is important as if there is any problem the user would not come back. Let us get to the reasons why browser testing is important

Every browser is known to behave differently

Each browser is different and has the ability to interpret things in a different manner. Though all codes are understood by a browser in the same way. Since all browsers are known to interpret commands in a different way it is likely to provide a unique experience to the customers via the website. Since there are multiple browsers with various versions you would not be aware if a website is operational on all browsers. A cross-browser testing platform tests a website on all multiple browsers and this in different versions.

Varied mobile platforms

A reason why the cross-browser platform has become important is due to the wide range of mobile platforms available. Multiple mobile devices are being launched every year and so it becomes imperative for a mobile website to be functioning on each device properly. Various types of browser combinations are available, so an organization may combine on an option that turns out to be beneficial for them. A testing team would need to be testing on various mobile versions as it poses a challenge to understand which one a user uses.

Lesser bugs

Cross-browser testing is one of the challenges that an organization needs to adopt but it is a great move to adopt as they may test across numerous browsers. So as to make sure every feature functions in an optimum way it is vital to avoid any last-minute complications. The web traffic would enable you to have an idea on which type of browsers may be used frequently that is information which you may focus on various aspects of testing.

Reusable tests

When you have cross-browser testing, there is no need to formulate separate browser tests for each and every platform. The nature of such tests is that they can be used across different browser testing platforms where you are using numerous automation tools. It can formulate custom scripts and this is apart from the case where custom solution fails.

Numerous types of web application tools are available in the market. Most cross-testing modules rely on open-source automation tools. Selenium is known to have a superior interface that would make it easy to undertake cross browsing tests on multiple platforms. A wide variety of browsers are used and not all of them would work out to be the same.

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