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5 Common Misconceptions About SEO

There is tons of information on SEO over the World Wide Web. It is a topic of high significance, which is why all businesses dealing with web development and digital marketing cover it in detail. Most SEO blogs and articles will tell you how it works and why it is important for your website. However, you may come across material that seems confusing or contradictory to what you’ve already learnt. When this happens, you should start by comparing the dates of publication. Two articles written years apart will represent SEO in a different light because trends and mechanics develop over time

SEO practices implemented today are much more sophisticated than those used a decade ago. AI and search engines keep getting smarter every day, which is why SEO requirements do not remain constant. Unfortunately, many authors writing about SEO on online platforms are not experts and some of them might deliberately mislead you. If SEO is unchartered territory for you, it is wise to rule out the myths first. Let us discuss the five most common misconceptions about SEO:


1. Google ranks fresh content only

Loads of new content is published online every day. The information provided within may or may not be subject to change over time. Many blogs and articles are updated annually or from time to time; this is necessary to maintain their relevancy and integrity. On the contrary, some literature is timeless, so it doesn’t need any alteration ever. Google does not discriminate between old and new content, unless the previously published info is no more applicable or isn’t as steadfast as newer versions. Ranking is affected by quality, detail, credibility, and readability of the content.

2. SEM improves SEO

SEM (search engine marketing) is paid to advertise, i.e. you pay the search engine to display your ad on the top of the results page. It is a shortcut to publicity, though it is not the same as making it to the top via organic SEO. This means you will lose your spot as soon as you stop paying the search engine. SEM has no direct impact on your SEO score. Building SEO organically takes time, but you can accelerate the process by hiring a professional who specializes in SEO and Web Development & Design Services.

3. SEO is a one-time investment

SEO isn't something you can master in a single day and then brag about for the rest of your life. You have to put in constant effort to maintain an excellent ranking and stay ahead your contenders in search engine results. You can do this by producing quality content on a regular basis, tweaking your website features every now and then, and acquiring more and more quality backlinks. If you are careless and neglect your site for an extended period of time, it will inevitably fall behind active domains.

4. Keyword targeting is irrelevant

Another widespread misconception is that focusing on keywords and employing anchored text has become outdated after the 'Google Hummingbird' release. In reality, keywords are and always will remain vital; however they are perceived differently due to the evolving algorithms of the search engine. Many businesses overused or misused keyword strategies in the past, thus modern algorithms are modified to prevent just that. Keyword placement that seems natural, and does not distort sentence structure will not raise red flags. The SEO score of your website will improve if you use keywords smartly in an appropriate frequency.

5. Local SEO is obsolete

About 40% of Google searches are meant to discover nearby places and goods, thus anyone who disregards local SEO is naive. Nearly 70% of localized searches result in a purchase, which means you will miss out on a great deal of opportunities if you don't optimize your website for local searches. Register your company with 'Google My Business’ today and reap the benefits of localized SEO.

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