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Unconventional Strategies For Boosting Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a hugely important metric for any business, as it describes the way in which customers recognize your brand. Having larger brand awareness means that more customers and even potential businesses will recognize your logo, branding and imaging.

The fact that brand awareness is such an important metric means that many businesses are focused on it. With so much competition out there looking to gain the largest share of brand awareness means that taking unconventional strategies can have a big effect. This guide is here to help you learn the most effective unconventional strategies for boosting brand awareness.

Brand Awareness

Create Infographics

One great way unconventional way of boosting brand awareness is to create infographics. Infographics are one of the most shareable forms of content as they are easy to consume and often contain fun graphics and colors which makes them visually engaging. Creating infographics that will be shared across social media can be a very effective way of boosting brand awareness by spreading your reach to possible audiences.

Guest Post On Blogs

Of course, creating consistent content on your own blog is important for boosting brand awareness but another unconventional way of increasing your brand’s reach is to guest post on other blogs. Writing guest posts on relevant sites will show you to be an authority on a topic. It will also help you to reach a broader target audience and by extension increase your brand’s reach.

Use SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is another very effective marketing practice for boosting brand awareness that is not traditionally used in the majority of digital marketing campaigns. There are some industries in which SMS marketing has proven very useful. For example, political texting is often used to help the recipients stay up to date and informed.

Start a Podcast

The popularity of podcasts has boomed in recent years and can be a hugely valuable enterprise for a business that is looking to boost its brand awareness. When it comes to creating a podcast to boost your brand awareness you should focus on topics that are relevant and engaging for your target audience. You should also consider what your area of expertise is to ensure you are able to create engaging content.

Then, you can schedule interviews with experts in the field. To maximize the effectiveness of this method, it's advisable to transcribe interviews. Transcripts may be helpful to those who have hearing difficulties, for instance. Moreover, people can find your content more easily when searching.

Starting a podcast helps you to put a name to your brand. This can make your brand to be more familiar and help audiences to build a more meaningful relationship with your company.

Create a Referral Program

While a customer might have a lot of trust in your brand they are likely to trust the opinion or someone they know even more. Creating a referral program is a great way of expanding your brand awareness through your customer's personal networks. When you create a referral program you will need to consider how you incentivize customers to spread the word of your brand. For example, you could offer a discount code or free shipping to those who refer new customers. Doing this will not only help you to win customers but help you to gain trust too.

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