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Mistakes That Might Hurt The Traffic On Your Site

    If you're a content creator, you know how hard it can be to keep the momentum going. Sometimes, though, it's not even your fault that your site isn't getting as much traffic as it used to—it's just part of the inevitable ebb and flow of online content.

    But there are times when bad things happen to good sites that aren't necessarily inevitable at all.

    If you want to avoid these mistakes and continue growing your audience over time, here are some ways not to hurt the traffic on your site:

    Man with the Desktop

    Lack of updates

    To be successful, you need to update your site regularly.

    How often? That depends on your website type and how much time you can devote to it. If you have a small blog or an online store where the products are not changing all the time, then once a week is sufficient. But daily updates will be necessary if you have an e-commerce site with several products that are constantly added or taken away from inventory.

    To make sure that your content stays fresh and relevant, use tools such as Feedburner or Feedly to monitor what people say about your business online and make sure they don’t mention any problems with their experience using it.

    Creating content that is too broad

    Even though it might seem like the right thing to do, creating content that is too broad and doesn't focus on a specific niche or area of expertise is actually one of the biggest mistakes you can make when trying to gain traffic from Google.

    The reason for this is simple: Google wants people who are searching for information about a particular topic to find what they're looking for. If you write about everything in your niche, then it will be difficult for searchers to find exactly what they want from that site.

    It's not always easy to stick with just one niche or area of expertise, but it's important if you want to get any type of traffic from search engines like Google or Bing. While at it, you can also go for a website traffic generator tool.

    Keyword overkill

    Using the right keywords in the right places is a good idea. However, it's not a good idea to overuse them.

    There are several reasons why keyword overkill might hurt traffic.

    First, it can make you look like an amateur who doesn't know what he or she is doing. Second, Google will penalize your site for using too many keywords—it won't rank as well on search engines because Google knows that people don't read sites with too many keywords. Third and most importantly, keyword overkill turns off readers and makes them less likely to stick around on your site or share your content with others.

    Bad link-building strategy

    When you're building your link portfolio, there are a few things to avoid:

    Buying links. Just about every search engine penalizes sites that buy links. Not only will this hurt your rankings and organic traffic, but it also sends a bad message to the search engines that your site is spammy.

    Using automated link-building tools. These tools often use techniques such as keyword stuffing and cloaking. While they do get results initially, they can be easily detected by search engines and result in penalties or even blacklisting of your site.

    Using the same anchor text over and over again. Anchor text should be varied, relevant to your site’s content, and not used more than once on any given page.

    Not listening to your customers

    You should listen to your customers. They will tell you what they want and help you improve your business. Your customer service is important because it repeatedly helps customers buy from your store. If a customer has an issue with their order, they can contact you directly so that the problem can be fixed as soon as possible.

    When people are satisfied with how their problems were handled, many of them will leave positive reviews on social media sites like Facebook or Google Plus. These positive reviews can help increase the overall popularity of your website, even though most people do not actually buy through social media these days.

    Using thin content

    While you want to ensure your content is interesting and engaging, don't go too far. When you publish thin content, people won't be satisfied with browsing through it, leading them to leave your site quickly. Thin content is anything that doesn't have much substance or value for the reader. Below are some examples of thin content:

    • Using buzzwords to describe what you're talking about
    • Using acronyms that aren't explained
    • Using abbreviations without explaining them first
    • Overusing technical terms


    If you have a website or blog, you know how important it is to optimize it for search engines. You must create content that will engage people and keep them coming back for more. These are just some of the mistakes that can hurt your traffic and should be avoided at all costs.

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