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Deep-diving Customer Needs to Find KWs and Generating High-conversion Traffic

Whether it's about introducing a fresh product feature or unveiling a new whitepaper, the decisions your business makes should be underpinned by the genuine needs and desires of your customers.

However, it's easier said than done. Companies often fall into the illusion that they understand their customers' needs—only to witness lackluster results when they initiate a product launch, run a marketing campaign, or publish new content.

But fear not, there are foolproof methods to deepdive into your customers' desires, expectations, requirements.

High-conversion Traffic

How is Understanding Customer Needs Beneficial?

Understanding customer needs involves acquiring both qualitative and quantitative data to gain profound insights into your customer base, understanding their desires, needs, pain points, and aspirations. Customer analysis not only helps you understand your customers' needs and desires but also helps you unlock their online search behavior.

Imagine sitting down with your customers over a cup of coffee and asking them about their likes, dislikes, and shopping habits. That's pretty much what customer analysis does, but in a more data-driven way. You're not just guessing anymore; you're using focus groups, 1-on-1 interviews, quizzes, surveys, and even social media insights to gain a comprehensive understanding of their customer demographics.

For instance, when it came to shaping the SEO strategy for Prepfully, a platform for interview preparation in big tech, this actually shaped it to a large extent.

For instance, people applying for the software engineer role at Google would tend to search for “Google Software Engineer Interview”. Similar variations will come out based on what the user is looking for, whether it’s help with interview questions or the process itself.

Based on this, we planned the interview guides. Here’s the guide for Google Software Engineer interview!

This served as a key factor for creation of interview guides. To help you visualise, this is more or less the format for interview guides:


You learn the exact language they use, the questions they're asking, and the problems they're trying to solve. In short, you now know the exact keywords they are using to find solutions—which allows you to reel in the most relevant traffic to your channels and thereby, increases your chances of conversion.

Here are a few compelling reasons for investing in understanding your customers needs:

  1. Empowers your communications: By aligning your messaging and marketing efforts with your customers' objectives, you're able to effectively connect with them using "their" own language.
  2. Allows precise targeting for enhanced ROI: Through segmentation, you can precisely target customer groups, resulting in improved Return on Investment (ROI) through targeted marketing.
  3. Helps optimize marketing resources: Understanding your customer base helps identify the most effective marketing channels, ensuring that your advertising budget is well-invested.
  4. Allows you to refine products and services: The insights you gain from customer analysis guide you in enhancing your offerings, leading to better products and services.
  5. Helps foster client relationships: A deep understanding of customer needs aids in nurturing stronger client relationships, ultimately enhancing overall customer loyalty.

How Customer Needs Fuel Effective Keyword Research?

Keyword research can provide invaluable insights into what your customers need from your business and products. By understanding how your customers search online, particularly how they look for your company and industry, you can determine their specific requirements. Once you've completed your research, you can leverage it to develop a product or service that closely aligns with these needs.

For instance, when Etsy, the popular online marketplace for handmade and vintage goods, noticed that the searches for "handmade jewelry" were on the rise, they realized that their customers were looking for unique, personalized pieces that couldn't be found elsewhere.

They leveraged this insight to attract artisans and crafters who specialized in crafting intricate, handmade jewelry. They highlighted these artisans and their products, promoting the idea of owning one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces that held sentimental value.

The bottom line is—by capitalizing on an emerging trend and the specific needs of their customers seeking unique jewelry pieces, Etsy was able to successfully curate a marketplace that catered to these desires. The result? Both sellers and buyers found Etsy to be a go-to platform for showcasing and purchasing special, custom-made jewelry pieces respectively.

The right keyword research strategies can help you create content (or products/services) attract the widest possible high-converting audience.


Understanding customer needs and desires is of paramount importance for both marketers and businesses, especially if they intend to achieve long-term success. After all, the shared goal is to attract, convert, and retain customers; an objective that hinges on a deep understanding of their customer's preferences and requirements.

From conducting interviews, focus groups to running surveys and indulging in social listening, marketers should actively seek feedback and insights from customers throughout their journey to identify their needs and desires. Doing so will help you determine the popular search terms/phrases people type into search engines—which in turn will improve your keyword research process!

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