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Why 99math Game is so Popular? Review with All Facts

    Are you looking for a tool to make learning math more enjoyable, innovative, and engaging for your children? 99math meets these criteria. This is an interactive tool that helps its users to practice math problems with the help of games. Teachers can use multiplayer math games in schools and set up challenges for the students to tackle either independently or in groups.

    99math Game

    What is 99math?

    99math is a web-based math learning tool designed to improve students' mathematical skills through interactive and engaging gameplay. It features various activities including challenges, puzzles, and games.

    It is founded by Estonian Entrepreneur Timo Timmi to make learning math fun and engaging. This gameplay can be accessed through any device having an internet connection. The main goal of 99math is to transform math into a fun and innovative subject. It is used by teachers to monitor the children's progress and organize math contests.

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    99math allows children to compete against their classmates or students from all over the world. It covers a wide range of math topics like multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, decimals, fraction and more.

    How to use 99math?

    Educators must create an account to set up games and contests for their students. You will see your teacher dashboard once you sign in and from here you can start creating games. To create a game you have to select a topic that you want to practice. After you select the topic you can see in "Examples Problem" what kind of questions are provided to the students. when you are happy with the topic you have to click the "Play Live" button to proceed. Now you are ready to invite your students to the game with the help of a game code or link.

    After the First Game with at least 4 children, you will unlock a new feature in which you can practice individually. When choosing individual practice you can select a skill for children to practice at home and then share the game link or code to join the game. After the game, you get a report of how students did and what is their overall skill level. This student report is automatically generated for you and you have to access it.

    Students have to use their devices and enter the game code provided by their teacher to participate in the challenges and games set up by their teacher. After entering the code they have to enter their name and choose the avatar they like.

    How does 99math work?

    99math is a easy and user-friendly platform that can be used by both teachers and students. Teachers have to create an account on 99math to set up a class. Select the subject that matches the grade level of their students and run the class. Students will join the class using a game code or link and compete against their classmates. After the game teacher gets a student report that helps to insight into each student's capability and area requires more focus.

    How to teach with 99math?

    To teach math with the help of 99math you have to follow these simple steps:


    Log in to your teacher profile on the website.


    Select a subject that matches the grade level of your students.


    After selecting a subject, the website will display all the sample problems that your students will see on their mobile phones.


    If you approve all the sample problems, you can proceed by clicking on the "Play Live" or "Individual Practice" option. Remember that the "Individual Practice" option become available after you conduct your First Live Class with at least four children.


    By clicking on the "Play Live" option you will create a game room and receive a link or code by which you can invite your students to join the game.


    Students will enter the room using the code or link provided by you.

    How to Log in on 99math as a Teacher?

    To Log in as a teacher you have to visit the official website of 99math and select the login option. After that enter your credentials and click on the "Login" button.

    Advantages of 99math

    • 99math transforms math problems in exciting games which makes learning math more fun and engaging.
    • There are more than a thousand topics available to practice math.
    • 99math allows children to collaborate and compete with their classmates, encouraging a sense of cooperation and teamwork.
    • There is no need to create an account to play this game.
    • Children receive instant feedback on their answers which helps them learn from their mistakes and understand concepts.
    • You can adjust the difficulty of math challenges according to the performance of the student.
    • 99math game encourages a sense of healthy competition among the students.
    • You can join the 99math game on any device.
    • The platform provides teachers with detailed reports on student progress which helps them to insight into each child's capability and areas for improvement.
    • 99math allow you to join your class, clear your doubt by communicating with your teacher and finish homework.

    Review of 99math

    99math platform provides a fun and engaging method for teachers to instruct students in Mathematics. It is free of cost and can be accessed through any device. Students can enhance their math skills through this platform in a fun and innovative way. This tool enhances the understanding of math of the student and concentrates on the areas for improvement.

    The platform automatically generates all the tasks and reports on student progress after the task completion which helps teachers to insight into each student's capability and area requires more focus.

    Top features of 99math

    Easy Access

    99math platform is very easy to access you have to simply visit the official website and sign in.

    Free of Cost

    The 99math platform is available for all users at no cost.

    Fun Math Learning

    99math platform makes learning math concepts fun, engaging, and innovative for students. It helps the teachers to enhance the math skills of the students with the help of games.


    99math platform transforms math learning into a fun and competitive game. It allows students to enhance their skills and increase motivation. The platform is very useful for educators to set up games for their students. If you are looking for a tool to make math learning enjoyable, engaging and innovative you must visit the 99math website.

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